Potency caps for men

RRP: 32.90 €

Contents: 10 pack

x 10 pack per unit
SU/Carton: 50

In stock

Item No. 06105930000

4042342003284 (EAN-13)


Description RRP Your price Quantity
Potency caps for men Contents: 5 pack
06105850000 4042342003277 (EAN-13)
22.90 € Log in
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Potency caps for men Contents: 10 pack
06105930000 4042342003284 (EAN-13)
32.90 € Log in
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Item description

  • Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
  • Speziell abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse des Mannes

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel speziell abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse des Mannes.
10 Kapseln (Füllmenge 6,5 g) zum Einnehmen mit reichlich Flüssigkeit. Verzehrempfehlung: 1 x täglich zwei Stunden vor dem gewünschten Effekt.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung verwendet werden.

  • Dietary supplement
  • Specifically adapted to a man's needs

Dietary supplement specifically adapted to a man's needs.
Take the tablets with plenty of water.
Recommended intake: 1 per day - two hours before the desired effect.

Dietary supplements do not replace a well-balanced diet and varied nutrition.

Kosttilskud specielt skræddersyet til mænds behov.
10 kapsler (fyldmængde 6,5 g), der skal indtages med rigeligt væske. Anbefalet indtag: 1 x dagligt to timer før den ønskede effekt.

Kosttilskud bør ikke anvendes som erstatning for en afbalanceret og varieret kost.

Complément alimentaire spécialement adapté aux besoins des hommes.
10 gélules (quantité de remplissage 6,5 g) à prendre avec beaucoup de liquide. Recommandation de consommation : 1 fois par jour, deux heures avant l'effet désiré.

Les compléments alimentaires ne doivent pas être utilisés comme substitut d'une alimentation équilibrée et variée.

Complemento alimenticio especialmente adaptado a las necesidades de los hombres.
10 cápsulas (cantidad de llenado 6,5 g) a tomar con abundante líquido. Ingesta recomendada: 1 vez al día dos horas antes del efecto deseado.

Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustitutos de una dieta equilibrada y variada.

Integratore alimentare appositamente studiato per le esigenze degli uomini.
10 capsule (quantità di riempimento 6,5 g) da assumere con abbondante liquido. Assunzione consigliata: 1 volta al giorno due ore prima dell'effetto desiderato.

Gli integratori alimentari non devono sostituire una dieta equilibrata e varia.

Пищевая добавка, специально разработанная с учетом потребностей мужчин.
10 капсул (наполнитель 6,5 г), которые следует принимать, запивая большим количеством жидкости. Рекомендуемый прием: 1 х в день за два часа до наступления желаемого эффекта.

Пищевые добавки не должны заменять сбалансированную и разнообразную диету.

Voedingssupplement speciaal afgestemd op de behoeften van mannen.
10 capsules (vulhoeveelheid 6,5 g) in te nemen met veel vloeistof. Aanbevolen inname: 1 x daags twee uur voor het gewenste effect.

Voedingssupplementen mogen niet worden gebruikt ter vervanging van een evenwichtige en gevarieerde voeding.

Suplement diety specjalnie dostosowany do potrzeb mężczyzn.
10 kapsułek (ilość wypełnienia 6,5 g) należy popić dużą ilością płynu. Zalecane spożycie: 1 x dziennie na dwie godziny przed pożądanym efektem.

Suplementy diety nie powinny być stosowane jako substytut zrównoważonej i zróżnicowanej diety.


For men




18 g


6.5 cm
2.2 cm
11.5 cm


Package size:
10 pack
Item No.
Barcode: 4042342003284 (EAN-13)
Customs tariff number:


Next delivery:

European Food Information to Consumers Regulation (Lebensmittelinformations-Verordnung – LMIV)

Store in a cool and dry place protected from light.
In-use shelf life
According to MHD coding on the packaging.
Application and Usage Notes
Take one capsule, swallowed whole with plenty of fluid. The recommended portion for daily consumption must not be exceeded.
Serving notes
Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced lifestyle.
Red Ginseng Root Powder, 14.7% L-Arginine, Capsule Casing (Gelatine, Colourants E132, E171), Maca Root Powder, Damian Root Powder, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Separating Agent: Magnesium Stearate
Additives requiring declaration
With colourant
Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not mix with alcohol or caffeine.
Nutritional information per 100 g / 100 ml
1 capsule
Calorific value per 100 g/ml (in kilojoules)
not required
Fat per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Saturated fatty acids per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Carbohydrates per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Sugar per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Protein per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Salt per 100 g/ml (in grams)
not required
Product title
Potency 10pcs. NE GE
Manufacturer contact (name and postal address)
HOT Productions & Vertriebs GmbH, Wagrainer Straße 35, A-4840 Vöcklabruck
Name of the food
Wilder, stronger, harder – dietary supplement – can provide pure strength because of their special active ingredients!
Country of origin
Place of origin

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